Novel Sale – Damnation Books to Publish The Wild Boys

Sound the trumpets, but keep your eyes open for signs of lycanthropy. I just signed a contract with Damnation Books to publish my Young Adult horror/sci-fi novel, The Wild Boys.  It is slated for a December 1, 2012 release, just in time for stocking stuffers. Can a 16-year-old girl stem the tide of a werewolf apocalypse? Mia’s mother blames her for the accidental death of Mia’s little brother–perhaps Mia does, too–and her father is too wrapped up in work to notice. She’s in love with Dalton, a boy who barely knows who she is. Her grades are in the toilet. AndContinue readingNovel Sale – Damnation Books to Publish The Wild Boys

To Be Free or Not Be Free: That is the Question

In 2008, I decided to become a podcaster. I had been listening to podcasts like I Should Be Writing, The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy, Escape Pod, Pseudopod and others for a while, and appreciating this new form of entertainment. Audio books, customizable news feeds, a wide open world of creativity and content, and free, free, FREE! I was in heaven.