Book Signing Event! – False Faces at the Tattered Cover

I’m excited to announce that a tie-in story to my Ronin Trilogy universe, “Masks in Dark Earth,” just came out in a wonderful new anthology called False Faces. This story awakened a powerful desire to dive back into that world, and without really intending to, formed a bridge into what will become a new historical fantasy series. If you live in the Denver area, please come to our book signing event! When: Thursday, October 25, 2018, 7:00 p.m. Where: Tattered Cover Bookstore – Colfax Ave.

The Devil Resides in a Ground Full of Teeth

I’m delighted for my novella “Where the Devil Resides” to share Alembical 4 with a story like “The Ground is Full of Teeth.” As I was reading Catherine Schaff-Stump’s dark, disturbing piece, I couldn’t help but recognize a fellow writer who also grew up in a very small town. Her keen eye for the details of small-town life spring out of every page. Astute readers will recognize also the thematic resonances between the two stories. You can thank a couple of awesome editors for that, Lawrence M. Schoen and Arthur Dorrance. So when Catherine suggested we trade blog posts talkingContinue readingThe Devil Resides in a Ground Full of Teeth