The Lovely Farce That Is Windows Vista

I’ve nursed a simmering distrust of Microsoft for many years, ever since hearing about the rank hubris and contempt that they displayed toward the Federal government’s antitrust lawsuit not so many years ago. I had dinner one night with a tech-head who was closely involved with the case, and the stories he told about the way Microsoft destroyed evidence, stonewalled, played games, and in general made a mockery of the whole proceedings still sticks in my craw, even though, sadly, most of the details are fading into the fog of my aging memory. But I use their products. And forContinue readingThe Lovely Farce That Is Windows Vista

Children of Men – Bladerunner for the 21st Century? No. More.

I can count the instances on one hand where I left the movie theater shocked and moved to the core of my being. Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket. Some of the most powerful movies ever filmed. Add another to this list. Children of Men takes you by the throat from the opening moments and tightens its grip, slowly, inexorably, holding you enthralled, tense, and utterly in its grip for the next two hours of your life. Emerging from the theater both shocked and feeling as if something had shifted within me, I’ve spent the last several hours digestingContinue readingChildren of Men – Bladerunner for the 21st Century? No. More.