Just breathe…

Writer’s Block And Procrastination “If you get stuck, get away from your desk. Take a walk, take a bath, go to sleep, make a pie, draw, listen to music, meditate, exercise; whatever you do, don’t just stick there scowling at the problem. But don’t make telephone calls or go to a party; if you do, other people’s words will pour in where your lost words should be. Open a gap for them, create a space. Be patient.” Hilary Mantel Most writers have struggled with getting the words on the page at some point. But writer’s block is not a monolithicContinue readingJust breathe…

Eat Your Favorite Author…on Toast!

Noooo, eat with your favorite author. 🙂 Lawrence M. Schoen is an author friend and colleague who published my novella Where the Devil Resides in his wonderful anthology series Alembical a few years back. He’s also a doctor of psychology and the author of a series of SF novels about anthropomorphic elephants, called Barsk. One would not expect novels about anthropomorphic critters to be as weighty and thoughtful as these, but they have things to say. It’s been a rougher year for him than many, as he’s been fighting cancer. He can also say “F*(# cancer!” in fluent Klingon. I want to tell you about a cool projectContinue readingEat Your Favorite Author…on Toast!

Halloween Horror Signed Book Sale!

We’re coming upon my favorite time of year. It’s not Christmas, Thanksgiving, or New Year’s, although I love all those, too. No, my favorite time of year is Scary Season, culminating in Halloween. This is the time of year I indulge in more horror movies, both new ones and the classics. Monsters, chills, thrills, *sniiffffff* ahhh, smell the tension in the air. Unlike the real world right now, this kind of tension gets resolved. So to celebrate the Spooky Season, the Scary Season, the Halloween hullabaloo, I’m running a 50% OFF sale in my online store, on all the dark and horribleContinue readingHalloween Horror Signed Book Sale!

The Baen Free Radio Hour

The newest episode of the Baen Books Free Radio Hour Podcast just dropped, and guess who’s on it? Yours truly! Along with Baen Senior Editor Tony Daniel, anthology editor David Boop, authors Betsy Dornbusch, D.J. Butler, and Charlaine Harris. Yes, that Charlaine Harris. True Blood Charlaine Harris. But we’re not there talking about Sookie Stackhouse. We’re talking about Straight Outta Deadwood, which just landed in mass market paperback. A fun discussion with a great bunch of folks. And while we’re at it, don’t forget to grab your copy of Straight Outta Deadwood! Just in time for the Halloween Season!